We offer unique personalized - financial & strategic solution through our innovative practices & capital market insight, harvested over the years.
Every successful transaction, is just the beginning to an enduring and prosperous alliance with our clients.

Why SICA (Seven Islands Capital Advisors)…?

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Services Rendered

A healthy business requires a continuum of care. At Seven Islands Capital Advisors’ we recognize what it takes for a business to successfully thrive in an ever-changing business environment, capitalize on emerging market trends and manoeuvre through difficult business cycles.


Our 5-stepProcess...

Our five step process is testimony of our commitment…

First we listen. Then we prove you are being heard… Only important question that counts: are we helping you meet your goals? The first step is to sit down with you and define your objectives, recognizing the challenges, identify the constrains as all these differ for every client. Only then do we draw upon our expertise to develop a plan appropriate for your situation. The result is a strategy that is uniquely yours and yours alone. We believe every positive beginning would start from listening and understanding needs definitely…
Drawing an exact picture goes a long way in finding a perfect solution… Drawing up the exact picture of current strengths and weigh them against the definite goal, goes a long way in identifying an apt solution. We at Seven Island Capital, through our long years of experience and professional expertise assess all the subjective and quantifiable resources at the clients disposal. We reconcile the current Macro environment and before entering the next step brief our client of the exact picture…
Every situation requires a unique solution… While every client approach is different, We at Seven Islands work out a unique plan that not only encompasses the immediate financial need of our client but also work out a strategy that would add to the future balance sheet strength of the client. Our expertise at economic trend analysis and distinct acumen at micro financial management takes care of the internal and external risk to the financial decision.
A good plan needs equally sound implementation to succeed… Given a long experience in the Financial Market, we at Seven Islands Capital Advisors enjoy a strong network of channel partners and associates in the various facets of servicing. Our business association also goes a long way in ensuring smoother transition and high degree of client satisfaction.
Active monitoring and full transparency… Our work for you is truly on-going. We know that advising our clients entails an active oversight that goes far beyond typical investment banking firm practices.


Seven Islands Capital Advisors LLP.

433, Kailas Plaza, Vallabh Baugh lane, Ghatkopar (East), Mumbai - 400077.

Email: evolve@7icap.com

L : +91 222508 6336 / 35 F : +91 222508 6335