• Mergers & Acquisition
  • Recapitalisation
  • Financial Restructuring
  • Structured Financing
  • Unlocking Asset Value
  • Customise Services

Mergers & Acquisition

We assist in identifying strategic partners’ to unlock stakeholder value. Seven Islands Capital’ professionals have a wealth of hands-on experience both in the world of finance and business. When contemplating a sale or acquisition for all, a majority or minority position in a company, senior partners at SICA can help evaluate a broad range of options and consider the significant aspects of a situation to identify the areas of greatest potential or difficulty affecting a transaction such as: valuation; financing; human resources; competition; technology; intellectual property right; geopolitical strength, etc.

Our bankers have years of industry experience and extensive associate relations across the globe with both strategic acquirers and leading private equity firms. Clients are guided through each step of the process to help assure maximum results.

We also assist clients in transaction financing, as part of our Structured Financing Services, through divers sources viz. Banks, NBFCs and Global Funds. We at Seven Islands Capital, takes the time to understand our clients’ needs and objectives in order to achieve the best possible outcome thus enhancing long term value proposition in these transactions.

We focus on M & A advisory services in the context of clients seeking to:

  • Sell a company
  • Buy a company
  • Complete a management buy-out (MBO)
  • Source debt for supporting buy-out (LBO)
  • Merge with another industry player
  • Demerger for enhancing value proposition for stake holders
  • Clarify and resolve strategic issues

Unlocking business potential through strategic merger and acquisition is our sole guiding principle. To know more about our services, write to us - evolve@7icap.com


A healthy business is in constant need of growth capital and in a timely manner. Just as capital constrain could dampen the growth momentum, an inappropriate source of funding could turn out to be value destructive for a business. We at Seven Islands Capital’ work in sync with our clients’ business requirement and constantly keep our clients abreast with changing market dynamics both in-terms of capital cost and market liquidity.

We at SICA’ first undertake an in-depth business analysis and map the capital required against related cash-flow, in-order to work-out an ideal funding option. Our long standing association with both domestic and global, lenders / investors, both from institutional and private sector give us the advantage for timely transaction closure.

We focus on Capital Raising services in the context of clients seeking to:

  • Raise Equity (private or public)
  • Qualified Institutional Placement (QIP)
  • Balance Sheet / Project Financing from Banks and Development Institute
  • Trade Financing / Export Guarantee Fund
  • Private Placement of NCD / Bonds
  • Debt Refinancing
  • Private Equity / Venture Capital
  • Seed Capital Funding

Right source of finance, appropriate to match your business cash-flow is our sole guiding principle. To know more about our services, write to us - evolve@7icap.com

Financial Restructuring

We at, Seven Islands Capital’ understand that every organisation undergoes times of capital constrain of varying degree, forcing the business to look vulnerable. We believe these situations are a result of a culmination of factors and it’s just the right solution and patient approach that could revive back the organisation in the pink of health. SICA has extensive experience working with troubled liquidity challenged organisations, and those operating under loan default conditions. Our solutions include debt, equity, strategic and even short term financial investors.

We work closely with our clients in developing definitive solutions to the given financial situation, including managing the restructuring process with the current lenders, and implementing our customised solutions across the capital structure of the organisation.

We first draw an elaborate revenue model as a going concern and map out realizable cash flow against all future financial commitments. We project growth scenario post business is stabilised and work out a capital re-engineering solution in-order to ensure steady growth and create long term value for business as an enterprise.

We focus on financial restructuring services in the context of clients experiencing:

  • Difficulties in servicing of project / business loans
  • Difficulties in servicing of NCD / Preference Equity / FCCB
  • Business referred to BIFR
  • Exit of Seed Capital / Private Equity Investors

Returning your business in the pink of health and manoeuvre it on a road to success is our sole guiding principle. To know more about our services, write to us - evolve@7icap.com

Structured Financing

Seven Islands Capital’ believes in providing customised solutions for its clients’ diverse capital needs, our Structured Financing services aims to do just that. We assist our clients in capital structuring through optimal financing solutions to meet their diverse needs viz; growth capital, project financing, retirement of high cost debt, asset financing, bridge financing, project funding and leverage buyouts.

Our long years of product structuring expertise and extensive association with lenders and investors provide the wherewithal to meet our client’s needs. We take due responsibility to bring the Client as-well-as Investor / Lenders on the same page and create an economical balance to the transaction.

We at SICA, takes the time to understand our clients’ needs and objectives in order to achieve the best possible outcome thus enhancing long term value proposition in this transaction. We consider this a solution based service rather than just a transaction to close.

We focus on Structured Financing services in the context of clients seeking to:

  • Unlock future annuity cash-flow, especially Infra PPP Projects
  • Unlock future sales proceeds for Real Estate Project through REIT
  • Securitisation of receivables
  • Asset-backed / Mortgage-backed Securitisation

To know more about our services, write to us - evolve@7icap.com

Unlocking Asset Value

We at SICA believe in continuous monitoring and evaluation of our clients’ financial efficiency and opportunities to improve overall return measures. As part of this exercise we undertake a 360° review of our client’s assets as a going concern to identify all potential cash and liquidity generating opportunities. Our experience in identifying these opportunities and its ability to bring in a strategic partner helps support the overall restructuring goals of the organisation, while at the same time avoiding any loss in asset value or desperate sale situation.

This service encompasses not only the divestment of plant and property but also opportunities to divest in research modules, patent rights, product lines and geographical territories. To achieve this, our team, backed by its deep industry knowledge, performs rapid and credible analysis of the clients’ divestible assets and the prevailing business environment. Once these analytics have been carried out, we work side by side with the management team to implement the divestiture of assets in order to maximize recovery value in a time-bound manner.

To know more about our services, write to us - evolve@7icap.com

Customise Services

Corporate Valuation Opinion

Seven Islands Capital Advisors has made its ethos to help business owners realize the full and fair value of their organisations. When a Corporate Valuation Opinion is requested, Seven Islands Capital, adhering to the highest industry standards, will perform a thorough and rapid review of a company by analysing enterprise data, consideration, financial consequences, conducting studies of the marketplace and utilizing our professionals’ well established industry expertise. Although owners typically utilize this service prior to considering a sale of their company, the Firm is also asked by Boards of Directors and other Fiduciaries to perform Fairness Opinions or Valuations in connections with estate and gift tax planning, litigation support and strategic alliances.

Special Purpose Vehicle Financing

With Indian Infrastructure sector poised to witness robust growth in the coming years, we at Seven Islands Capital’ consider catering to the financing needs of SPVs as clients that require distinct expertise and undivided focus. We wish to make this as our humble offering towards building a stronger India and lend our professional services towards creating future infrastructure giants. We focus on SPV Financing services in the context of clients seeking:

  • Financing Partners (both debt and equity)
  • Debt Restructuring
  • Private Placement of NCD / Bonds
  • Securitisation of Project Cash-flow / Annuities
  • Bridge Financing

Advisors for India Entry

SICA assists companies looking to enter India, not only in partner selection but also on various strategic and financial aspects leading to a successful India foray. The world has been looking at India as an attractive investment destination given its several strategic advantages viz;

  • Young and vibrant economy backed by a favourable demography
  • Vast domestic market for products and services
  • strong pool of talent to establish your business
  • positive rating outlook and healthy banking system and positive global geo-political relations

The process of setting up business in India can be relatively simplified if preceded by comprehensive strategic planning, market research and partner assessment. International Companies or Investors seeking to set up operations or make investments in India need to research and evaluate their activities in the following areas;

  • Strategic Analysis - Political and economic environment, market-potential research, product offering, target customers etc.
  • Partner Selection - Business synergy, core strength analysis, financial & other business track record, long term strategy alignment, terms of partnership and clear role definition.
  • Location Selection - Analysis of work force availability, regional state laws and local body regulations, connectivity and logistic planning to target market etc.
  • Prevailing laws - Exchange control laws, Corporate laws, Sector specific laws, Taxation, FDI Guidelines, Fiscal incentives based on locations etc.